Wednesday, 17 February 2016

The evolution of Windows

In my opinion, Windows 7 was by far the best operating system out for it's time. But when Microsoft developed their next version of windows, was it really for the better? When Windows 8 was released everyone including myself was excited for something new, at least until I bought and installed it. There are many things that I could have lived without, but the Start Menu wasn't one of them.

Instead of the start menu bar on the desktop, Microsoft thought it was a good idea to instead have an entire page for the start menu. This makes finding programs a herculean task, even if you know exactly where the program is. After two weeks, I was so fed up with this that I uninstalled Windows 8 and downgraded back to Windows 7. From the feedback of the community many people also did this, making Windows 8 a flop.

Knowing this, Microsoft went back to the drawing board and gave everyone what they wanted, the Start Menu! Even though it still has that Windows phone look to it, I can live with this change. And to make things even better, Microsoft is giving Windows 10 away for free if you have purchased Windows 7 or Windows 8. They have fully redeemed themselves.


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